UN resident coordinator pledges support of UN System to FOSPAH for enhanced empowerment of Women in Pakistan

ISLAMABAD, Jan 23 (EPI): The Federal Ombudsperson for Protection Against Harassment at Workplace (FOSPAH), Ms. Mohamed Yahya hosted an important meeting with  Mohamed Yahya, the United Nations Resident Coordinator in Pakistan, to explore avenues for collaboration and strategic partnership.

The discussions focused on collaboration to promote awareness and prevention of harassment of women and transgendered persons in Pakistan. Strengthening victim support mechanisms, including the provision of legal support and establishing an effective referral mechanism to ensure holistic care for victims of harassment, was discussed, and mechanisms for expanding outreach to underserved and remote areas of Pakistan were decided.

Mohamed Yahya highlighted the UN’s commitment to ending harassment and other forms of violence against women. He outlined that the UN has included ending harassment and sexual abuse as a pillar in the Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework to be signed soon between the UN System and the Government of Pakistan.

He expressed his admiration for FOSPAH’s efforts, as evidenced by the rising number of complaints, a clear indicator of growing trust among women in Pakistan to report incidents of harassment and discrimination.

He also commended the Hon’ble Ombudsperson, Ms. Fauzia Viqar, for FOSPAH’s commitment to ensuring quick and effective resolution of complaints, furthering the cause of gender equality and workplace safety.

The meeting concluded with a shared commitment to achieving tangible outcomes aimed at empowering victims, improving access to justice, and advancing gender equity across Pakistan.

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