Chairman PEC Najeeb Haroon rejects allegations levelled by ex GB member, vows to take legal action

ISLAMABAD, Aug 13 (EPI): The Chairman Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) Engineer Najeeb Haroon on Tuesday has rejected all allegations levelled by a former governing body member.

During a press conference Engineer Najeeb Haroon stated that Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC), a statuary regulatory body to regulate the engineering profession in totality, has recently been subjected to baseless allegations and defamatory statements made by  Sheikh Zahoor Sarwar in several press conferences and on TV Channels.

He said that these claims not only undermine the integrity of the Council but also attempt to tarnish the reputation of the other members and the engineering profession as a whole. It has also attracted an unwarranted threat to the functional autonomy of the Council as provided by PEC Act, 1976, which has been upheld by this Council for many years, he said.

Chairman said that this Council categorically refutes these baseless and misleading allegations and presents the correct narrative of its achievements, functions, and commitment to our valued members and stakeholders, adding that the PEC prides itself on operating with the highest standards of integrity, governance, and transparency, adherence to best practices. PEC’s processes are transparent and robust, with decision-making aligned with the directions of the Governing Body and other relevant forums as per provisions of the PEC Act, 1976 and Byelaws made thereunder, he added.

Click link below for complete Press Conference


Chairman said that PEC operates through a committee-based structure, with both statutory and expert committees fulfilling various functions under the PEC mandate. Every action taken by the Council is meticulously deliberated by the relevant expert committee, reviewed by the Management Committee and approved by Governing Body.

He said that all documentation is well maintained and has been made accessible to its members and stakeholders, adding that Council is dedicated to promoting excellence, promoting ethical practices, and enhancing the professional growth of engineers. Contrary to the claims and allegations of financial mismanagement, the Council’s financial records are well maintained and audited regularly by an external auditor appointed by the Council as per section 24(3) of PEC Act & Byelaws 64(3), through independent international QCR Chartered Accountant firms.

Chairman said that the Audited accounts and the report are presented in the Governing Bod and Annual General Meetings and public to the engineers as per provision of section 5(d) of PEC Act 1976. In addition, the Council has an internal audit mechanism spearheaded by a certified Chartered Accountant, ensuring transparency and accountability. PEC’s funds are judiciously managed to support the function of the Council, he stated.

The TA/DA policy of the Council is aligned with the federal government principles for its officials and with the decisions of relevant committee/fora for its members and duly approved by the competent forum i.e. the Governing Body. To ensure austerity, online meetings are encouraged over physical ones by implementing specialized policy for online meetings and strict criteria has been tailored for holding such meetings. It is worth mentioning that, in compliance with the directive of the Public Accounts Committee (PAC), the Council’s accounts were audited by the Auditor General of Pakistan (AGP), and the report was shared with the PAC. No Governing Body members other than the Management Committee are provided vehicle.

The Management Committee are provided one vehicle with fuel of 300 L/month. GB members are provided pick and drop facilities for attending PEC official meetings, he said.

Talking regarding the registration and renewal fees for constructors, operators, and consultants, he said that PEC has not increased the fees for the past six years and has provided various forms of relief. Fees of constructor/ operators ranging from CA/OA to C6/O6 is also as per provisions of Byelaws.

The fees of construction firm (23450 Nos.) ranging from C6 to C3 categories which is 88% of total construction firms, are Rs.15000, Rs. 30000, Rs.45000, and Rs.75000, respectively. For firms in the higher categories, from C2 to CA (no-limit category), the fees range up to a maximum of Rs. 400,000 for no limit category. To ensure transparency and authenticity, PEC, in collaboration with NADRA having 7000 e-Sahulat centers across the country, has introduced a biometric verification system to confirm engineers’ employment with their respective companies, preventing fraudulent practices and exploitation.

Chairman said that over the years, the Council has steadfastly upheld and advanced the engineering profession in Pakistan, adding that during the current Governing Body’s tenure (2021-24), numerous initiatives and reforms have led to significant milestones including extension of PEC’s full signatory status of Washington Accord for another 6 years after rigorous evaluation review by WA Signatories from Turkey, China, and Hong Kong, established the first ADR center to streamline the resolution of construction sector disputes, Service Structures for engineers unanimously approved by Senate of Pakistan and pending in National Assembly of Pakistan for approval, updated the Pakistan Standard Bidding Documents to align with the international standards, revised the Price Adjustment Formula to address the challenges due to unprecedented price hike and inflation, established the Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB), declared 2024 as IT Year for digital transformation, implemented e-office initiatives for paperless environment, established the Engineer Parliamentarians Caucus for policy advocacy, partnered with the Pakistan Academy of Engineering (PAE) for research and policy studies, developed various codes including Building Code of Pakistan (BCP) 2021, Green Building Code of Pakistan 2023 and Rainwater harvesting provision for BCP led to global recognition by ICC during COP-28.

Chairman informed that PEC signed MoUs with China and Kuwait for job prospects, supported HEIs nationwide, financing Final Year Design Projects to fostering a culture of innovation and problem solving, organized Capstone Expos for showcasing quality projects and implemented the Graduate Internship Training Program, showcasing the Council’s commitment to innovation, excellence, and a sustainable economy.

This Chairman Council urged its members and stakeholders to review the facts and reject these unfounded allegations. PEC commitment to transparency, accountability, and the betterment of the engineering profession remains unwavering.

responding to query This Council will pursue appropriate legal action against any defamatory statements and continue to defend the integrity and independence of the engineering profession and the Council, he said adding that we remain focused on our goals and will not be deterred by unfounded claims.

He said the PEC is thankful to its members and stakeholders for their continued trust and support. Together, we will build a stronger and more resilient engineering community in Pakistan.

ENDS-Exact Press International-EPI